

[Me] It's me, but rather "me" as ideal :-)

There are my real photos and photos of my sister (below). If you click on one, you'll see a bigger version.

[myphoto92-b&w] [myphoto97] [myphoto97] [myphoto99] [myphoto99] [dyplom98]

[myphoto96] [myphoto96] [myphoto96] [myphoto96] [myphoto96]

[Ewa1] [Ewa2] [Ewa3] [Ewa4] [Ewa&Tomek] [Ewa&Igor]

I'm 31 years old, I live in Rumia, little city near Gdynia (where I was born). I've got one sister - Ewa. She's 30 years old and lives in Gdynia. She have a boy - Igor - 4 years old. I'm interested in SF&F, RPG, computers, manga&anime and a little in physic. I'm member of SF&F club - GKF "Collaps".
Oh ... one thing. I have a wife - Angelika :) And a cat - Mimi.
Mimi's photo: here
If you want more information about me, write! :-)


If you want to contact me, here are my email addresses:

[mailto] demonek@manta.univ.gda.pl
[mailto] demonek@irc.pl (alias at irc.pl domain)


You can also find me somewhere on IRC. My IRCnick is Demonek.

My snail-mail:
Tomek Truszkowski
ul. Pomorska 3/41
84-232 Rumia-Janowo

tel. +48 (058) 671-62-50

This is my house in Rumia :)
Click to view full size.
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